n. a berry, typically green (classified as white), purple, red, or black, grows in clusters on a grapevine in a vineyard (fresh fruit, dried as raisins, pressed into wine, fermented into vinegar)
‘The parents have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge.’
I squared my shoulders and looked Reuel in the eye. I didn’t look at Talmai, although I could smell the garlic on his breath.
“I can,” I insisted.
And in one long breath, I explained the estate to the elders. I told them how many sheep we had and which were to be sold during festival and which were to be held back for breeding. Where Yousef took the caravans and how much foreign coin Jehu kept on hand. I knew the accounting and the balances due and how much grain we took in annually. I told them the date harvest was almost three weeks away, and we had already hired the harvesters.